PhilanthropicPrograms and Services
Our Philanthropic Programs and Services team are trusted advisors to a growing movement of philanthropists who place the values of liberty, opportunity and personal responsibility at the center of their charitable giving. We help our donor network decide what they want to accomplish through their philanthropy and provide strategic and effective resources to help them achieve their goals. Our team has experience in: leading family foundations, developing and executing grantmaking strategies, conducting organizational due diligence and managing grants to successful outcomes.

Our Services
Values-Based Giving
We help our donor community identify high-impact investment opportunities and connect them with organizations that share our values. We specialize in vetting potential grantees whose work aligns with the Roundtable’s programmatic focus areas: America’s Founding Principles, Pathways to Opportunity and Strong Communities.
Our due diligence function analyzes nonprofits on multiple dimensions to determine organizational health. This service is highly customized to meet the investment interests of our advisory partners. Learn more about Values-Based Giving.
Values-Based Giving
Learn more about our community’s values and how charitable efforts work best when they are informed by a core set of values that empower individuals and their communities.