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One Very Personal Gift

An intimate Christmas present produced a beloved morality tale

Manufacturing Productive Citizens

Two prison businesses show how for-profit enterprising can achieve philanthropic ends.

Road Trip

Three highly original human-service providers.

Veterans Need Opportunity

Honoring veterans on Veterans Day is commendable, but honoring service is a year-round endeavor.


Entrepreneurial trees, watered by philanthropy, begin to bear fruit across Africa.

Natural Advantages

Why philanthropy is often the best choice for solving public problems.

NEH and Department of Education Award 650,000 Dollars to iCivics

The National Endowment for the Humanities and the U.S. Department of Education have awarded a $650,000 cooperative agreement to iCivics. The civics education group will lead a coalition of experts in assessing the state of, and best practices in, the teaching of American history, civics, and government in K-12 education.