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Enemies of Innovation

Thomas Sowell explains why even triumphant charter schools spark resistance.

The Exchange

Microschooling | Donor leadership on covid-19 | Ideas on race, policing, crime | Black female millionaire donor | Heterodoxy grows | RBG and donor intent | Smashing culture

Webinar Part 1: Diseases of Despair

Based on recent CDC numbers, COVID has tripled and quadrupled our anxiety and depression levels and doubled the number of people seriously considering suicide. The most likely cause? The economic downturn.

Is Action Civics an Advance in Civic Education?

This study examines the origins, nature, and educational effects of a movement in civic education that goes by a number of names—”New Civics,” “Action Civics,” “Civic Engagement,” and “Project-Based Civics.”

Bring Civics Back to the Classroom

We can rise to the challenge and meet this moment with the same innovation and resolve that have characterized the American experiment for the past nearly 250 years

Playing Politics

“Programs like Boys State can, by necessity, recreate only the game of politics. But that game must be premised on a deeper reality.”

Online Learning Opportunities

Through its Exchange Program, the National Constitution Center connects middle school, high school, and college students to hold civil conversations and learn more about the Constitution.