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Legal Overview & Recommendations for Employers preview

Legal Overview & Recommendations for Employers

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (“DEI”) has become a major focus of corporate America. In recent years, for example, over $8 billion has been spent on diversity trainings annually in the United States, according to McKinsey & Company.

True Diversity: An Introduction preview

True Diversity: An Introduction

True Diversity puts people first. It recognizes and celebrates the fact that today’s America is a dynamic kaleidoscope of rich and important identities: racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, socioeconomic and many others—identities often so complex, nuanced and interwoven as to defy any simple classification of individuals.

Maureen and Kelly Hackett Respond to Critics of Family Foundations preview

Maureen and Kelly Hackett Respond to Critics of Family Foundations

Philanthropy Roundtable recently spoke with Andrew Oliver, founder of Do For One. Oliver works to address the problem of social exclusion by connecting disabled, socially isolated people living in New York City with others who can form relationships and respond to each person’s needs and interests.

Philanthropy Roundtable Highlights Ken Griffin’s Philanthropic Achievements in New Video preview

Philanthropy Roundtable Highlights Ken Griffin’s Philanthropic Achievements in New Video

On Wednesday, Oct. 19, Kenneth C. Griffin, founder of the global alternative investment firm Citadel, received Philanthropy Roundtable’s prestigious 2022 Simon-DeVos Prize for Philanthropic Leadership, which honors a living philanthropist who has shown exemplary leadership through his or her charitable giving.

Research Finds Diversity Quotas Don’t Benefit Firms or Employees preview

Research Finds Diversity Quotas Don’t Benefit Firms or Employees

In a new Philanthropy Roundtable paper, “Improving Board Diversity: Lessons from Sweden and Norway,” Patrice Onwuka reviews two very different approaches to increasing diversity on corporate boards – both mandatory and voluntary gender quotas – to determine the effectiveness of these approaches on increasing diversity. 

2022 Simon-DeVos Prize Winner Ken Griffin Delivers “Real Impact” Through Philanthropy preview

2022 Simon-DeVos Prize Winner Ken Griffin Delivers “Real Impact” Through Philanthropy

During the chaotic early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Kenneth C. Griffin, founder of the global alternative investment firm Citadel, stepped up to tackle an urgent problem. He had just learned that one of his colleagues and her family were stuck in Wuhan, China, ground zero for an infectious disease sweeping across the globe.