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Remembering Leon Levine preview

Remembering Leon Levine

Philanthropic donor Leon Levine of Charlotte, North Carolina died on April 5, 2023. Levine, who was born and raised in a tiny rural town, began his business career in his teens helping his family run a small department store. In 1959, at age 22, he opened the first Family Dollar Store in Charlotte with an initial investment of $6,000. In 2015, Dollar Tree bought some 8,000 Family Dollar stores for $8.5 billion.

Protecting Donor Intent: Why it Matters preview

Protecting Donor Intent: Why it Matters

This week Philanthropy Roundtable published a new policy primer on the importance of protecting donor intent to encourage charitable giving.
Charities face ever-increasing challenges in supporting the most vulnerable in our communities and donors face challenges in knowing their money will be used the way they intend. Ensuring the resources are available to meet these challenges depends on maintaining the trust of donors. Laws and regulations should reflect this—this is where the importance of donor intent comes into play.

Empire Center Fights for Donor Privacy in New York preview

Empire Center Fights for Donor Privacy in New York

If you’ve made a charitable contribution to a New York-based organization, and you value your constitutionally protected right to privacy, you should be worried … and alarmed. Donors’ rights to privacy are being overlooked, if not disregarded, in the Empire State through an ongoing First Amendment violation by the New York State Office of the Attorney General (OAG).

Candid’s Diversity Data Standardization Effort is Fraught with Pitfalls preview

Candid’s Diversity Data Standardization Effort is Fraught with Pitfalls

Candid, the nonprofit research group, recently announced it is leading an effort with funders and charities to standardize diversity data collection. Although Candid is publicly sharing the information collected, that does not satisfy personal privacy concerns. This type of box-checking exercise undermines the track records of effective organizations and would harm some organizations that are getting real results through their work supporting struggling people from all backgrounds, including minority populations.

Biden Budget Targets Charitable Givers preview

Biden Budget Targets Charitable Givers

Last week, the Biden administration released its proposed budget for fiscal year 2024. While the budget is essentially just a wish list that is unlikely to be introduced as legislation or enacted by Congress in its entirety, it sends a clear message about the president’s priorities. Among various tax and spending increases, the plan calls for changes that target America’s givers and the charities they support.

Esther Larson in Philanthropy Daily: How Blockchain Can Help Fund Artists—And Revive The Arts preview

Esther Larson in Philanthropy Daily: How Blockchain Can Help Fund Artists—And Revive The Arts

In an op-ed recently published in Philanthropy Daily, “How blockchain can help fund artists—and revive the arts,” Program Director for Philanthropy Roundtable Esther Larson, and COO and co-founder of Living Opera, Christos A. Makridis, wrote that philanthropists have a unique opportunity to fund individual artists directly through pragmatic giving tools like blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens.