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New York Attorney General’s Office Admits It Leaked Private Donor Information  preview

New York Attorney General’s Office Admits It Leaked Private Donor Information 

Two years after the Supreme Court again upheld the right of donors to give privately, donor privacy remains at risk, as this right continues to be disregarded by attorneys general in states such as New York. As we have written about here before, the New York attorney general’s office has violated First Amendment protections for American givers by posting the 990 Schedule Bs of an unknown number of charitable organizations — exposing their major donors.   

Rep. Mike Kelly on Why Congress Should Protect Private Philanthropy: This is a Red, White and Blue Issue preview

Rep. Mike Kelly on Why Congress Should Protect Private Philanthropy: This is a Red, White and Blue Issue

Philanthropy Roundtable recently spoke with Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.), chairman of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Tax, about his ongoing support for the philanthropic sector. In this interview, he discusses why congressional efforts to protect charitable giving are important and how he is working to give donors the tools they need to help strengthen communities.

Mike Gonzalez on “Our American Stories”: Communists never produce bread. They only produce bread lines.  preview

Mike Gonzalez on “Our American Stories”: Communists never produce bread. They only produce bread lines. 

Recently, Mike Gonzalez, a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation, sat down with radio veteran Lee Habeeb for an episode of “Our American Stories,” a syndicated radio program and podcast that highlights “ordinary Americans who do extraordinary things.” Gonzalez is a partner in Philanthropy Roundtable’s True Diversity initiative,  an equality-based, holistic framework for embracing diversity that values each person as a unique individual and empowers charitable organizations with the freedom and flexibility to advance their missions and help those in need.  

Herrera in The Dallas Morning News: America Faces a Mental Health Crisis. Philanthropy Can Help Solve It.  preview

Herrera in The Dallas Morning News: America Faces a Mental Health Crisis. Philanthropy Can Help Solve It. 

In an op-ed published in The Dallas Morning News, Philanthropy Roundtable President and CEO Christie Herrera writes that, with one in five U.S. adults living with mental illness, private philanthropy is an essential tool that can help solve the nation’s mental health crisis. While “government agencies are attempting to address the lack of mental health resources, research and access to care,” Herrera argues that the government cannot alone solve this problem – and philanthropy has much to offer in addressing it.  

Herrera in National Review: The Attack on Nonprofit Free Speech Continues preview

Herrera in National Review: The Attack on Nonprofit Free Speech Continues

In an op-ed published in National Review entitled “The Attack on Nonprofit Free Speech Continues,” Philanthropy Roundtable President and CEO Christie Herrera examines threats to donor privacy two years after the Supreme Court’s decision in Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Bonta. While this ruling was “supposed to stop states from subjecting people to speech-chilling threats of intimidation and violence,” Herrera writes that the assault on donor privacy rights has returned. To counter this threat, she proposes congressional legislation codifying the Court’s decision. 

Onwuka In Real Clear Education: Fighting for Viewpoint Diversity One Commencement Address at a Time preview

Onwuka In Real Clear Education: Fighting for Viewpoint Diversity One Commencement Address at a Time

In an op-ed published June 30, 2023 in Real Clear Education, adjunct senior fellow at Philanthropy Roundtable and a spokesperson for the Roundtable’s True Diversity campaign Patrice Onwuka argues for free speech on college campuses. She highlights the role of private philanthropy in supporting the protection of free speech and embracing viewpoint diversity.

True Diversity Advocates Respond to Supreme Court Affirmative Action Decisions preview

True Diversity Advocates Respond to Supreme Court Affirmative Action Decisions

In 6-3 and 6-2 rulings, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the use of race-based preferences in college admissions, writing “The Harvard and UNC admissions programs cannot be reconciled with the guarantees of the Equal Protection Clause.” President of Students for Fair Admissions Edward Blum, the organization that filed the lawsuits, applauded the ruling, saying, “The polarizing, stigmatizing and unfair jurisprudence that allowed colleges and universities to use a student’s race and ethnicity as a factor to admit or reject them has been overruled. These discriminatory admission practices undermined the integrity of our country’s civil rights laws.” 

Roundtable Responds: U.S. Supreme Court Ends Race-Based Affirmative Action in Higher Education preview

Roundtable Responds: U.S. Supreme Court Ends Race-Based Affirmative Action in Higher Education

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the use of race-based preferences in college admissions, writing “the Harvard and UNC admissions programs cannot be reconciled with the guarantees of the Equal Protection Clause.” In an opinion issued in two cases challenging affirmative action, Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. University of North Carolina (6-3 decision) and Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College (6-2 decision), Chief Justice John Roberts stated: “Eliminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it…

Happy Birthday, America! Why Remembering Our Past is Integral to Our Future preview

Happy Birthday, America! Why Remembering Our Past is Integral to Our Future

This year our country celebrates its 247th birthday – commemorating the 13 American colonies’ declaration of independence from Great Britain. The newly formed American republic was based on the idea that all people are created equal with fundamental, inalienable rights that cannot be taken or given away. As we continue to cherish our democracy and the American way of life, it’s worth remembering that its strength depends on our shared understanding of this country’s history and founding principles.  

Philanthropy Roundtable Releases Special Report on Think Tanks preview

Philanthropy Roundtable Releases Special Report on Think Tanks

Private philanthropy in the United States supports a wide range of nonprofit organizations, including those that provide a variety of direct human, faith-based and educational services to individuals, families and communities; those that foster academic and scientific research to expand knowledge and those that focus on studying and advancing public policy.