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Search Results for: is Creating Pathways to a Quality Education for All Students preview is Creating Pathways to a Quality Education for All Students

Philanthropy Roundtable recently sat down with Justin Dent, founding executive director of Dent and his team are on a mission to ensure that every child, regardless of their economic circumstances, can access an education that allows them to pursue – and be inspired by – their interests. The organization, which is the nonprofit, charitable offshoot of the ed tech company, offers a wide variety of small-group classes and outside-the-box teaching methods. Their work highlights the power of entrepreneurship, linking the nation’s best teachers with students and families most in need of new education options.

Florino in Trusts & Estates: Defining a Philanthropic Legacy Through Donor Intent preview

Florino in Trusts & Estates: Defining a Philanthropic Legacy Through Donor Intent

In the October edition of Trusts & Estates, which features a special report on charitable giving, Philanthropy Roundtable’s Adam Meyerson Distinguished Fellow in Philanthropic Excellence Joanne Florino and Integer LLC Principal Sara Barba describe why understanding and honoring donor intent is crucial to preserving the American tradition of private giving. They also give examples of donor intent violations that can serve as lessons for philanthropists who wish to leave a lasting legacy through charitable giving. 

Passion’s Place in a Philanthropic Strategy preview

Passion’s Place in a Philanthropic Strategy

Passion is an important ingredient in the human DNA. When channeled correctly, it can lead us to live a meaningful, virtuous life. And after spending the last five years as president of my family’s foundation, the Garcia Family Foundation in Tampa, Florida, I have met many passionate people. Nevertheless, I’ve learned that while passion motivates many of us, philanthropists and nonprofits who wish to most effectively serve their communities must also employ deliberate strategies that will lead to success.

Civics Education Programs Making a Difference This Constitution Day preview

Civics Education Programs Making a Difference This Constitution Day

As we approach Constitution Day, it’s worth exploring whether educators are prepared to teach students about the Constitution and its history in a manner that is accurate, effective and engaging. While it may not be widely known, numerous organizations spend their summers offering workshops and institutes to equip teachers with the resources to teach civics and American history during the school year.

Doers to Donors: Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg Helps Transform the Lives of Young Musicians preview

Doers to Donors: Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg Helps Transform the Lives of Young Musicians

In the latest episode of Philanthropy Roundtable’s interview series “Doers to Donors,” Roundtable President and CEO Christie Herrera sat down with entrepreneur, author and philanthropist Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg. Ochoa-Brillembourg is the chairman emeritus and founder of Strategic Investment Group, an independent investment management firm based in Arlington, Virginia. She also is chairman and founder of The Orchestra of the Americas Group, which has helped train talented musicians from around the globe for careers in world-class orchestras.

McGuigan in The Hill: Lawmakers Risk Harming U.S. Charities, Violating Americans’ Privacy Amid Investigations of Foreign Influence preview

McGuigan in The Hill: Lawmakers Risk Harming U.S. Charities, Violating Americans’ Privacy Amid Investigations of Foreign Influence

In an op-ed recently published in The Hill entitled, “Lawmakers Risk Harming U.S. Charities, Violating Americans’ Privacy Amid Investigations of Foreign Influence,” Philanthropy Roundtable Vice President of Policy and Government Affairs Elizabeth McGuigan warns that potential policy changes in Congress to keep foreign nationals from interfering in U.S. elections through charitable giving could infringe on the constitutional right of Americans to give to charities anonymously.

Preserving Philanthropic Freedom: Nonprofits, Donor Privacy and Political Engagement preview

Preserving Philanthropic Freedom: Nonprofits, Donor Privacy and Political Engagement

On September 13, 2023, Philanthropy Roundtable published a new policy brief addressing the extent to which foreign donations are influencing U.S. political activities through 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations. While recent media reports have raised concern about the interference of foreign nationals in American politics, this research shows that claims of pervasive political advocacy within the nonprofit sector lack support from both available data and empirical literature. In fact, the rise in scrutiny appears to be fueled by a small number of bad actors who should be investigated and prosecuted, rather than a systemic abuse of the laws and regulations underlying the nonprofit sector.

Letter to the Editor: Florino Pushes Back on Jeff Cain’s critiques of Giving USA’s Report preview

Letter to the Editor: Florino Pushes Back on Jeff Cain’s critiques of Giving USA’s Report

In a  Letter to the Editor of The Chronicle of Philanthropy entitled “Giving USA’s’ Critics Are Wrong: Not All Forms of Giving Are Equal,” Philanthropy Roundtable’s Adam Meyerson Distinguished Fellow in Philanthropic Excellence Joanne Florino responded to a recent op-ed, “Giving USA Misses the Boat on the True State of Generosity in America,” written by Jeff Cain, co-founder of American Philanthropic, LLC.  

Leaders in Philanthropy: A Conversation with the Daniels Fund’s Hanna Skandera preview

Leaders in Philanthropy: A Conversation with the Daniels Fund’s Hanna Skandera

As students across the country return to classrooms this fall, Micah Sagebiel, Philanthropy Roundtable vice president of programs, sat down with Daniels Fund President and CEO Hanna Skandera about the Daniels Fund’s “Big Bets” in education, civics and youth sports. Skandera is a member of the Philanthropy Roundtable board of directors.

Onwuka in The Center Square: How Philanthropy is Funding a Working Force for Everyone preview

Onwuka in The Center Square: How Philanthropy is Funding a Working Force for Everyone

In an op-ed published in The Center Square, Philanthropy Roundtable Adjunct Senior Fellow Patrice Onwuka writes that addressing our current workforce challenges requires a partnership between employers, communities and philanthropy. She says this type of collaboration should begin at the local level, and if done successfully, can break down barriers to economic mobility and provide opportunity for all.