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Summer 2015 – Policing Philanthropy?

In the Summer issue of Philanthropy magazine, Joanne Florino, The Philanthropy Roundtable’s senior vice president for public policy, explains why a new federal bureau for investigating charity is a terrible idea. 

Summer 2015 – The Other One Percent

In For Love of Country: What Our Veterans Can Teach Us About Citizenship, Heroism, and Sacrifice, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz and Washington Post associate editor Rajiv Chandrasekaran argue that it is imperative for U.S. citizens to become more engaged with our troops.

Summer 2015 – Something Out of Nothing

It is said that necessity is the mother of invention. And invention is the father of philanthropy, because it creates the wealth that enables great generosity. Now a dazzling new book uncovers philanthropy’s grandparentage.

Summer 2015 – Books in Brief

The Paradox of Generosity presents data showing that givers are kinder to their neighbors, find themselves in better health, report having a strong life purpose, and generally describe themselves as “very happy.”

Interview with Sandy Weill preview

Interview with Sandy Weill

A king of capital on founding a high-school internship program, building a medical school in Qatar, and rescuing Carnegie Hall.

President’s Note

One dramatic change in the landscape of charitable giving during the past decade has been an entrepreneurial explosion of philanthropic services. Donors today have more choices, more information, and more analytical tools for making philanthropic decisions.

More Than Just Academics

Some might view the decline of Catholic schools as a Catholic problem. In reality it is an urban education problem that should concern everyone. Catholic schools have power and potential beyond book learning.

Spring 2015 – Briefly Noted

Seafaring savior. A long-lost battleship. Enabling a book thief. Philanthropy vs. charity. Why give operating support?

War, Peace, Philanthropy preview

War, Peace, Philanthropy

Following U.S. forces and State Department officers into some of the toughest areas of the world, Spirit of America delivers private assistance intended to complement their work and advance U.S. interests.

Winter 2015 – Save the Pawns

Morally neutral approaches to poverty do not exist,” William Easterly writes in his latest book, The Tyranny of Experts. “Any approach to development will either respect the rights of the poor or it will violate them.” Too many aid agencies treat people in developing countries like chess pieces. 

Winter 2015 – The Slow Boat to Utopia

Ten years in, the ballyhooed Millennium Villages Project is mostly a bust. In Nina Munk’s book The Idealist, Columbia University economist and celebrity academic Jeffrey Sachs, who made a splash with his plan to engineer the end of poverty as we know it, is an ambivalent figure.

Winter 2015 – President’s Note

Restoring the American Dream in 2015—For over three centuries, America has provided more opportunity to more people than any other country in the history of the world. That great tradition is now in danger.