Annual Meeting 2017 Session Recaps
An overview of the K-12 topics discussed at the Roundtable’s 2017 Annual Meeting
An overview of the K-12 topics discussed at the Roundtable’s 2017 Annual Meeting
Teacher Town is part of a string of reforms to raise student achievement both in Memphis and statewide.
Philanthropy New York, in collaboration with The Philanthropy Roundtable, hosted an in-depth discussion on innovation sharing between charter and district leaders in New York City.
Highlights from the 2016 Annual Meeting K-12 Preconference
Three recent studies show an alarming decline in the number of givers over the past decade.
The best efforts against poverty reinforce what people are doing right
The term “impact investing” is now a decade old, and the activity it describes totals over $100 billion and growing. What’s not to love about pursuing the mission of philanthropy Read more…
Late last year, the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University released a worrisome report. Giving by younger Americans, researchers found, has markedly declined in just the last decade Read more…
A new history reveals the wealthy philanthropists behind suffrage and other feminist advances
Three recent studies show an alarming decline in the number of givers over the past decade.
The Culture of Freedom Initiative has pioneered new approaches to drive healthy faith and family outcomes.
More than 130 churches have seen Sunday attendance increases through their partnerships with the Culture of Freedom Initiative.
Big Data Now Informs Church and Nonprofit Sector to Focus Help on Those Who Need it Most
The MarriageB4Carriage campaign, organized by COFI partner Family Bridges, has targeted Phoenix zip codes with the highest out-of-wedlock birth rates
Why should I craft a mission statement? How do I get started? What practical steps do I need to take?
What exactly is “economic opportunity philanthropy?” The Philanthropy Roundtable is asking some committed donors.
In a Q&A, trustee Don Weinberg describes why work takes priority in the Weinberg Foundation’s anti-poverty efforts.
In a Q&A, the founder of one of today’s most effective anti-poverty programs gets down to business
The Department of Veterans Affairs Disability Compensation system’s growth shows no signs of stopping.