Annual Meeting Speaker to Head Google’s Healthcare Initiatives
David Feinberg, CEO of Geisinger, will fill a new leadership role with this tech giant.
David Feinberg, CEO of Geisinger, will fill a new leadership role with this tech giant.
New higher education online opportunities include open Foundry College, a for-profit, two-year program that targets adult learners who want to upskill.
Why One Indianapolis Teachers College Is Betting It Can Train More Successful Educators After a Radical Reboot
The Ford Foundation was once described as “a large body of money…completely surrounded by people who want some.” It’s easy to look at a big pile of silver like a Read more…
The foundation calls for a new approach after finding that services funded by the Department of Justice’s Second Chance Act Adult Demonstration Program had no significant effect.
Morgan Foundation’s grants, which help people build the entrepreneurial mindset and develop an awareness of entrepreneurship as an important driver of the economy, included support to four Junior Achievement programs in Northeast Ohio.
Walmart and the Walmart Foundation’s funding includes $2.4M to the Foundation for California Community Colleges to launch an online community college to serve adult learners and $1M to edX to help launch a series of courses in “MicroBachelors” programs.
Two different paths to reform.
Readers of Philanthropy may remember that a few years ago, a dozen donors put up $15 million to launch a bold experiment aimed at fixing one of the most discouraging Read more…
This November there will be a new addition to the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia. It will be the resting place of Katharine Drexel, the philanthropist-turned-Catholic Read more…
Civil War battle reenactments are a complicated business. And perhaps none as complicated as at Gettysburg, the Pennsylvania town where a climactic three-day battle raged in 1863. Every year, thousands Read more…
It’s been a big year for the Federalist Society. Dedicated to the belief that it is the duty of the judiciary to “say what the law is, not what it Read more…
The physician and the lady
…are recent, unsavory, and unnecessary, says this Constitutional authority
A nonprofit produces drinkables by focusing on funders
And is the falloff a good or bad thing?
“What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?” the second-century theologian Tertullian famously asked. For the Illinois-based Christian educational nonprofit Passages, the question is, what has Chicago to do with Jerusalem? Read more…
All-Time Classics from Philanthropy Magazine
A freedom funder talks shop.
Rags to riches in real life. Vets achieving independence. A pilgrimage to Israel for $500. Behind the scenes at Gettysburg. Leonard Leo’s legal network. The power of small givers.