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Local Value makes Good Gifts

How a community foundation gives modest givers strength in numbers and major givers on-the-ground expertise

Locavore Lifeline

The hidden secret of an impromptu effort to feed hurricane victims

How to Be a Loyal Local Giver

Advice from American foundations on staying close to home

Garden of Gratitude preview

Garden of Gratitude

How Alan Ashton’s side project to support his family produced an international company and a local landmark.

Connecting the Bots

Steve Ballmer, who joined Microsoft in its infancy and eventually spent 14 years as CEO, built his career on a technology that has revolutionized modern professional life. But in the Read more…

Girl Power

Year after year, the United States ranks near the top of countries whose citizens actively volunteer their time—creating a thick web of civic life, and contributing to some of the Read more…

Supporting the Samaritans

A wealthy industrialist who was a pioneer in the American tobacco industry, James Buchanan Duke had a vision for a healthy Carolinas that is still honored by the endowment he Read more…

Interview with Leo Linbeck

In Leo Linbeck’s office in Houston, Texas, is a long table, and on that table are scores of white baseball hats.

Spring 2019 – Briefly Noted

Connecting the Bots Steve Ballmer, who joined Microsoft in its infancy and eventually spent 14 years as CEO, built his career on a technology that has revolutionized modern professional life. Read more…

Philanthropic Prod for Public Innovation

Michael Bloomberg, business titan and philanthropist perhaps best known for his stint running a small town called the Big Apple, has issued the call to other city leaders: the best Read more…