Holistic Diversity Training and Resources

Holistic Diversity Training and Resources


Philanthropy Roundtable’s True Diversity initiative is dedicated to creating a more inclusive approach to embracing diversity — one that looks beyond physical characteristics alone. We seek to return love, compassion and empathy to the diversity discussion. Unfortunately, policies that emphasize box-checking and quotas are hindering the ability of nonprofits to advance their missions and serve those in need. That’s why True Diversity exists.

True Diversity is an equality-based, holistic framework for embracing diversity that values each individual and allows charitable organizations the freedom and flexibility to pursue the most effective ideas and strategies available to serve their communities and solve problems.

The Roundtable is proud to join dozens of other charitable organizations and community leaders to share this holistic framework for embracing diversity and looks forward to helping others put this vision into practice.

In this toolkit, we highlight five of these partners, who practice a holistic approach to diversity and inclusion training. Everyone also has a unique story about their journey to becoming a diversity practitioner and what continues to drive them forward.

About True Diversity

Philanthropy Roundtable’s True Diversity initiative provides an equality-based and holistic framework for embracing diversity. It values every person as a unique individual and empowers charitable organizations with the freedom and flexibility to advance their missions and help those in need. Learn more at TrueDiversity.org.

Holistic Diversity Training and Resources

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