Patrice Onwuka in The Daily Signal: True Diversity Is Viewpoint Diversity, and It Allows All of Us to Show Up

Patrice Onwuka in The Daily Signal: True Diversity Is Viewpoint Diversity, and It Allows All of Us to Show Up

In an article recently published in The Daily Signal entitled “True Diversity Is Viewpoint Diversity, and It Allows All of Us to Show Up,” Philanthropy Roundtable Adjunct Senior Fellow Patrice Onwuka wrote that efforts to promote diversity by focusing on gender and race alone fail to take into account an individual’s unique characteristics, things that cannot be measured by quotas or box-checking exercises. She highlights the life experiences and unique viewpoints that make each person special, and argues the Roundtable’s True Diversity initiative embraces a more holistic, equality-based approach to diversity that can best serve communities and help those in need.

Below are excerpts from the article entitled “True Diversity Is Viewpoint Diversity, and It Allows All of Us to Show Up”:

“Each person brings a kaleidoscope of experiences and characteristics that inform who they are, what they believe and value, and how they live their life. We are all unique individuals, and there is so much more to us than what can be seen on the outside or defined by the demographic boxes of gender and race that we so often fill out on forms for work, school, or government agencies.

True Diversity values each individual for the experiences that shape him or her rather than categorizing a person by physical traits. It challenges organizations to build cultures that embrace viewpoint diversity: Consider a person’s religion, worldview, values, knowledge, and socioeconomic background rather than just membership in a particular demographic group.

True Diversity can also enrich the decision-making process even as it forces tough conversations. It creates space for individuals to bring their varied knowledge and lived experiences to bear. It is the antidote to quotas. Instead of forcing an ideal of diversity based on physical traits, it values differences, whether physical, experiential, or cultural.
In the charitable sector, this is particularly key as local issues need local solutions. When we allow organizations to harness the power of all the facets that make each of us human, they can identify what types of diversity in leadership and staffing will best support their missions and strengthen their communities. Freeing donors and nonprofits from arbitrary standards and expectations to allow them to focus their attention on getting the job done the best way possible helps uplift those being served.”

Please continue reading “True Diversity Is Viewpoint Diversity, and It Allows All of Us to Show Up” at The Daily Signal.

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