
  • Blog
  • True Diversity

What Affirmative Action Decision Could Mean for DEI in Philanthropy

by Patrice Onwuka
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  • Pathways to Opportunity

Denisha Allen (Merriweather) on Why Black Minds Matter

by Erica Haines
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  • True Diversity

What the U.S. Supreme Court Decision on Affirmative Action in Higher Education Could Mean for Charities

by Elizabeth McGuigan
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  • Donor Privacy

Congressional “Ethics” Bill Threatens to Harm Charitable Sector

by Patterson Sheehan
  • In the News
  • True Diversity

Onwuka in Newsmax: Free Markets Thrive When Aimless, Faux Justice Booted

by Philanthropy Roundtable
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  • America's Founding Principles

Examining the Impact of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Programs on America’s Charitable Organizations

by Jack Salmon
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  • Family & Faith Institutions

Giving USA 2023: A Conversation About Faith and Giving

by Esther Larson
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  • Giving Trends

Trust-Based Philanthropy: A 2023 Perspective

by Joanne Florino
  • Blog
  • Pathways to Opportunity

Key Trends to Watch in Education: Philanthropy’s Response to Supreme Court Affirmative Action Decision

by Erica Haines
  • Blog
  • Giving to Higher Education

Donor Intent Watch: Controversies Around the Country

by Joanne Florino
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  • Sector Regulation

New Philanthropy Roundtable Publication Decodes the Public Support Test

by Jack Salmon
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  • Donor Privacy

New York Attorney General’s Office Admits It Leaked Private Donor Information 

by Jack Salmon