
  • Blog
  • Sector Regulation

Chevron Doctrine Overturned: What this Means for Philanthropy  

by Jack Salmon
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  • America's Founding Principles

Sumners Foundation: Strengthening Liberty and Citizenship through Civics Education  

by Clarice Smith
  • Blog
  • True Diversity

In Illinois, Nonprofit Boards Are Under Attack and Demographics Reign Supreme  

by Megan Schmidt
  • Blog
  • Free to Give

Why the Freedom to Give Matters with Kim Dennis  

by Patterson Sheehan
  • Blog
  • Donor Intent

Donor Intent Watch: How to Establish Powerful Board Policies and Practices to Protect Donor Intent 

by Joanne Florino
  • Press Statements
  • Sector Regulation

Roundtable Applauds SCOTUS Chevron Decision: Federal Agencies Have Too Much Power

by Philanthropy Roundtable
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  • Donor-Advised Funds

Congress and Charitable Sector Unite to Support DAFs

by Patterson Sheehan
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  • Giving Trends

Charitable Giving in 2023: A Year of Resilience and Recovery

by Jack Salmon
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  • Sector Regulation

Schmidt at Georgia Center for Opportunity: Two New Laws Bring Good News for Charitable Giving in Georgia

by Philanthropy Roundtable
  • Blog
  • Donor Intent

Sunsetting in West Michigan: Celebrating the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation

by Joanne Florino
  • Press Statements
  • Sector Regulation

Supreme Court Skirts Key Question in Moore Decision

by Philanthropy Roundtable
  • Blog
  • True Diversity

Affirmative Action One Year Later: A Conversation with Devon Westhill 

by Patrice Onwuka