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Philanthropy Magazine
Donor Intent
The Carnegie Corporation Turns 100
Philanthropy Magazine
Civics Education
Memorials, Monuments, and Philanthropy in a Time of Crisis
Philanthropists Helping America Restart
Madeline Fry Schultz
Philanthropy Magazine
Civics Education
Conceived in Liberty: The Bradley Speaker Series
Philanthropy Magazine
Civics Education
We Need Some Muscle over Here: New Civics and the Rise of Muscular Activism
Philanthropy Magazine
K-12 Education
A Record for Catholic-school Scholarships
Philanthropy Magazine
Civics Education
Bill of Rights Institute s new digital textbook
Books: Curing Decadence
Andrew Ferguson
Philanthropy Magazine
Pathways to Opportunity
Get Shift Done expands its initiative to fight hunger and unemployment
Philanthropy Magazine
Philanthropic Freedom
President’s Note: Hope Through Philanthropy
Elise Westhoff
Philanthropy Magazine
Books: Givers Can Do Better
Joanne Florino
Laying the Intellectual Foundation for Racial Equality