• Philanthropy Magazine

VIDEO: Kelsy and Mike A Return to Faith

  • Philanthropy Magazine

VIDEO: Julian Cano Laying the Foundation for a Healthy Marriage

  • Philanthropy Magazine

Winter 2012 – Editor’s Introduction

by Christopher Levenick
  • Philanthropy Magazine
  • Pathways to Opportunity

JPMorgan Chase Launches $500 Million AdvancingCities Initiative to Boost Economic Opportunity

  • Philanthropy Magazine
  • Pathways to Opportunity

Stanford Social Innovation Review: “Why Proven Solutions Struggle to Scale Up”

  • Philanthropy Magazine
  • Pathways to Opportunity

Entrepreneurs Donate and Volunteer More Than Others, Study Shows

  • Philanthropy Magazine
  • Pathways to Opportunity

The Harold Alfond Foundation helps Maine HS students pursue post-secondary opportunities

  • Philanthropy Magazine

Tell Us about a Really Smart International Grant

  • Philanthropy Magazine

What s an Unsung Organization Doing Great Work in the Field?

  • Philanthropy Magazine
  • K-12 Education

A Lot to Learn

by Frederick Hess
  • Philanthropy Magazine
  • Health & Mental Health

Winter 2012 – Briefly Noted

  • Philanthropy Magazine

Foundation Nation?

by John Steele Gordon