• Philanthropy Magazine
  • Higher Ed

The Scandal That Is Higher Ed Today

by Jacqueline Pfeffer Merrill
  • Philanthropy Magazine
  • Veterans

Exciting Results from a Philanthropic Innovation

  • Philanthropy Magazine

A New Resting Place

  • Philanthropy Magazine
  • Defending Founding Principles

Behind the Scenes at Gettysburg

  • Philanthropy Magazine

Q&A with Leonard Leo

  • Philanthropy Magazine

The War against Breast Cancer

by Susan Hertog
  • Philanthropy Magazine
  • Governance

The Johnson Amendment Walls Separating Church, Charity, and State

by Joanne Florino
  • Philanthropy Magazine

To Strike Water, Drill for Donors

by Andrew Evans
  • Philanthropy Magazine
  • True Diversity

What’s Strangling International Adoption?

by Naomi Schaefer Riley
  • Philanthropy Magazine

A Pilgrimage to Israel for $500

by Micah Meadowcroft
  • Philanthropy Magazine

President’s Note

by Adam Meyerson
  • Philanthropy Magazine
  • Donor Intent

Interview with Frayda Levy

by Philanthropy Roundtable