Jack Salmon in The Hill: Federal Oversight: When Regulatory Burdens Rise, Charities Suffer 

Jack Salmon in The Hill: Federal Oversight: When Regulatory Burdens Rise, Charities Suffer 

In an op-ed published today in The Hill entitled “Federal Oversight: When Regulatory Burdens Rise, Charities Suffer,” Director of Policy Research at Philanthropy Roundtable Jack Salmon, hits back at excessive regulations proposed by the White House. He discusses why state policymakers should support the charitable sector by reducing burdensome regulations so charities can advance their missions and help communities in need.

Below are excerpts from the article:

“Last month, the White House released plans to double the threshold for what counts as an ‘economically significant’ regulation … . The move massively expands the volume of regulations that can be approved without any additional oversight.”

“… Philanthropy Roundtable [suggested] excessive levels of regulation are counterproductive to fostering a positive environment for charities to flourish.”

“… States with regulatory environments that are more conducive to a thriving charitable sector have on average about 30% more charitable activity than states with the most burdensome regulations.”

“Biden may have doubled the threshold for regulations that need federal oversight, but states don’t have to follow suit.”

This piece was first published in The Hill.

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