Elizabeth McGuigan on NewsNation: “The State of Giving is Strong”

Elizabeth McGuigan on NewsNation: “The State of Giving is Strong”

On Thanksgiving Day, Philanthropy Roundtable’s Senior Vice President Elizabeth McGuigan appeared on NewsNation’s “The Hill” to discuss charitable giving ahead of Giving Tuesday. 

In response to a question by host Blake Burman about the state of philanthropy, McGuigan said Americans continue to give generously to those in need – donating nearly half a trillion dollars last year. While middle-class giving was down in 2022, McGuigan said foundations and flexible giving vehicles like donor-advised funds showed signs of growth for the sector – and the state of giving is strong. 

 “We are seeing a decline in middle-class giving in particular,” said McGuigan. “But at the same time, you see foundations and you see corporations stepping up to fill that gap. And I think that dip in middle-income giving really speaks to the need to keep what we call philanthropic freedom, the ability to give how, when and to what cause you see fit, free and protected.” 

McGuigan also previewed continued threats to philanthropic freedom expected in 2024, including threats to donor privacy.    

Watch the interview here.

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