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  • Philanthropic Freedom

Elise Westhoff Featured in Alliance Magazine on the State of U.S. Philanthropy

by Philanthropy Roundtable
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  • Giving Trends

Patrice Onwuka in Real Clear Policy: Inflation is Straining Charitable Organizations

by Philanthropy Roundtable
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  • Giving Trends

Letter to the Editor: Philanthropy’s Less than Generous Effort to Remake Capitalism

by Philanthropy Roundtable
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  • Giving Trends

Joanne Florino in Philanthropy Daily: How Charitable Giving Can Help During a Crisis 

by Philanthropy Roundtable
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  • Donor-Advised Funds

Letter to the Editor: Why Chronicle of Philanthropy Coverage of New DAF Study Misses Bigger Picture

by Philanthropy Roundtable
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  • Giving Trends

Elise Westhoff Discusses Why Charitable Giving Is Essential on “Believe!” Podcast

by Philanthropy Roundtable
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  • Donor-Advised Funds

Elizabeth McGuigan Featured in Washington Examiner on Bipartisan Opposition to So-Called ACE Act

by Philanthropy Roundtable
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  • Giving Trends

Joanne Florino Featured in Forbes Article on Bezos Gift to Smithsonian

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  • K-12 Education

Patrice Onwuka Discusses National School Choice Week on WMAL

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  • America's Founding Principles

Patrice Onwuka Featured in Philanthropy Daily on MLK Day

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  • Announcements

Elise Westhoff Discusses State of Philanthropy on “Fox News Live”

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  • Philanthropic Freedom

Patrice Onwuka Featured in RealClearPolicy on Legislative Threats to Giving

by Patrice Onwuka