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  • Civics Education

Education Secretary Withdraws Unlawful Critical Race Theory Proposal

by Peggy Little
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  • Pathways to Opportunity

A Big Labor Plan to Undermine the Gig Economy

by Debi Ghate
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  • Donor Privacy

S. 1981 Threatens Donor Privacy

by Elizabeth McGuigan
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  • Donor-Advised Funds

Red or Blue, There’s a DAF for You

by Patrice Onwuka
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  • Strong Communities

The Song in Its Soul

by John Rohe
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  • Giving Trends

The Numbers Are In: American Generosity Hits an All-Time High During COVID

by Brandon Millett
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  • K-12 Education

Twelve States Empower Students and Families by Passing Education Reforms

by Michael Chartier
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  • Values-Based Giving

Rumsfeld’s Rules for Philanthropy

by Suzanne Garment and Leslie Lenkowsky
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  • K-12 Education

New Research Lifts Hood on Homeschooling During Pandemic

by Michael McShane
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  • Donor Privacy

Supreme Court Rules Blanket Donor Disclosure Mandates Are Unconstitutional

by Elizabeth McGuigan
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  • Defending Founding Principles

The Supreme Court rules in favor of property rights and the right to exclude

by Steven D. Anderson
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  • True Diversity

The Pathway to Civility: Making Perceptions Match Reality

by Daniel Turner