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  • K-12 Education

Leader of Trades-Based Nonprofit Shares Vision for More Inclusive Education

by Erica Haines
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  • Family & Faith Institutions

How Faith-Based Philanthropy Improves Lives

by Esther Larson
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  • Pathways to Opportunity

How This Female Philanthropist Harnesses the Power of Entrepreneurship

by Erica Haines
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  • Veterans

How One Nonprofit Is Connecting Veterans With Employment Opportunities

by Erica Haines
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  • Values-Based Giving

Last Call for The Simon-DeVos Prize Nominations – Deadline: Friday, April 15

by Brandon Millett
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  • America's Founding Principles

Nonprofit Provides Lifesaving Supplies to Ukrainian Military

by Clarice Smith
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  • Defending Founding Principles

State Financial Officers Foundation: Promoting fiscally responsible public policy

by Clarice Smith
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  • Strong Communities

How Philanthropy Can Complement Biden’s Unity Agenda

by Esther Larson
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  • Workforce Development

Nonprofit Provides Skills to Tackle Youth Unemployment

by Erica Haines
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  • Family & Faith Institutions

Gen Justice: A “Guardian Angel” for Foster Kids

by Esther Larson
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  • K-12 Education

Doers to Donors: Jeff Sandefer on the Power of Freedom in Education

by Brandon Millett
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  • America's Founding Principles

Booker T. Washington Illustrates the Importance of Private Giving