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Judge Strikes Down California’s Corporate Board Racial Diversity Law 

by Patrice Onwuka
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Biden’s Proposed Budget Threatens Private Foundations

by Elizabeth McGuigan
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Elizabeth McGuigan Featured in Washington Examiner on Bipartisan Opposition to So-Called ACE Act

by Philanthropy Roundtable
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Senate Hearing Puts Charitable Tax Incentives in Spotlight

by Elizabeth McGuigan
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ACE Act Would Reduce Funding for U.S. Nonprofits

by Steve Moore
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Roundtable Stands Against Gender Quotas for Corporate Boards

by Elizabeth McGuigan
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House Legislation From Reps. Pingree and Reed Will Crush Charitable Giving

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New York Legislature Takes Steps to Protect Identities of Donors

by Megan Schmidt
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The Risks a Wealth Tax Poses to Private Philanthropy

by Andrew Wilford
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New Study Does Not Support Suspected Misuse of Family Foundation Funds

by Serena Jezior
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Will the Build Back Better Act Crowd Out Private Giving?

by Patrice Onwuka
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The Giving Pledge and Critics’ Calls for Mandates

by Joanne Florino