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Philanthropic Freedom Year in Review

by Megan Schmidt
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Schmidt in The Center Square: How Charitable Giving Helps California

by Philanthropy Roundtable
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Moore v. United States Oral Argument: The Slippery Slope of Taxing Unrealized Gains

by Jack Salmon
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McGuigan in National Review: A Tax on Unrealized Gains Would Hurt Philanthropy 

by Philanthropy Roundtable
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The Truth About Private Foundations and the 5 % Payout Rule

by Jack Salmon
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Government Submits Brief to Supreme Court in Moore v. United States

by Jack Salmon
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Study Shows Nonprofit Advocacy and Public Engagement are on the Decline

by Patterson Sheehan
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Three New Regulations That Will Make It Harder to Serve the Needy

by Patrice Onwuka
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Diverse Groups Ask Congress to Support Donor Privacy

by Patterson Sheehan
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Wide-Ranging Amicus Briefs in Moore v. U.S. Show Dangers of Taxing Unrealized Income

by Jack Salmon
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Philanthropy Roundtable Urges Supreme Court to Overrule Unconstitutional Tax on Wealth

by Jack Salmon
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New Philanthropy Roundtable Publication Decodes the Public Support Test

by Jack Salmon