• Donor-Advised Funds

New Senate Bill Would Hurt Charities and Those They Serve

by Elizabeth McGuigan
  • America's Founding Principles

“The Business of Giving” Podcast interviews Elise Westhoff

  • Donor-Advised Funds

Various Groups Voice Concerns About Senate Effort to Restrict Charitable Giving

  • Donor-Advised Funds

Five Aspects of DAFs Missing in Article on S. 1981

by Elizabeth McGuigan
  • In the News
  • Philanthropic Freedom

New Data and Insights on DAF Payouts Out of Michigan Community Foundations

by Patrice Onwuka
  • In the News
  • Philanthropic Freedom

Philanthropy Roundtable CEO Elise Westhoff Featured in The Wall Street Journal’s Weekend Interview

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  • Donor Privacy

Supreme Court Rules Blanket Donor Disclosure Mandates Are Unconstitutional

by Elizabeth McGuigan
  • Donor Privacy

Philanthropy Roundtable Applauds Supreme Court Decision to Uphold Donor Privacy

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  • Philanthropic Freedom

Are Biblical Values Republican? IRS Says Yes

by Debi Ghate
  • Donor-Advised Funds

The Pandemic Propelled U.S. Giving to the Highest Level in 2020

by Patrice Onwuka
  • Donor-Advised Funds

National Philanthropic Organizations Sign Letter Voicing Concern on ACE Act

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  • Donor-Advised Funds

New Senate Bill Would Stifle Charitable Giving, Harming Those in Need

by Elizabeth McGuigan