Stories Donor Intent Why Donor Intent Protections Are Critical for Philanthropic Freedom by Philanthropy Roundtable
Stories Donor-Advised Funds How Donor-Advised Funds Support the Needs of Rural Communities by Philanthropy Roundtable
In the News Donor Privacy Jack Salmon in Discourse: Philanthropy Under Attack by Philanthropy Roundtable
In the News Sector Regulation Elizabeth McGuigan in RealClear Policy: Red Tape Strangles Charities by Philanthropy Roundtable
Blog Sector Regulation The Charitable Act Encourages the Generosity that Strengthens U.S. Communities by Jack Salmon
Blog Sector Regulation Foundations on the Hill: What Does Rising Populism Mean for Philanthropy? by Elizabeth McGuigan
In the News Sector Regulation Letter to the Editor: More Research Is Needed on State Regulation of Charities by Philanthropy Roundtable