Rating Teacher Colleges

  • Education
  • 2013

Until very recently there was no comprehensive review to assess U.S. teacher colleges, as other sectors and services are rated. That changed in 2013 when the National Council on Teacher Quality used philanthropic gifts to create a new annual assessment and guide. The 2014 second edition of Teacher Prep Review, produced in collaboration with experienced school ranker U.S. News and World Report, rated thousands of college programs that train the nation’s elementary and secondary teachers, and found that low-rated teacher-prep efforts currently outnumber top-rated efforts by more than 8:1. Indeed, out of 1,668 teacher programs that were rated, only 26 for elementary-school teachers and 81 for secondary teachers earned NCTQ’s highest marks. The report found that 23 states do not have a single college track that provides high-quality math training to teachers.