Bigs & Littles New York City

Empowering young people to reach their full potential

Bigs & Littles NYC Mentoring envisions a city in which all young people are empowered to recognize, reach for and achieve their full potential. Founded in 1902, the organization has been serving New York City families and children and the organization seeks to facilitate a holistic, long-term relationship between mentor and mentee. The organization utilizes the Whole Family Approach to mentoring (a family-led strategy that provides adults and children in the family with the tools to set, plan for and achieve their goals together). The majority of children served are below the poverty line.

What’s the play?

Partner with Bigs & Littles NYC to help youth and their families reach their full potential.

Interested in Supporting this Organization?

Contact the Roundtable’s Programs team to learn more about this investment opportunity.
