Charitable Sector Mourns Loss of U.S. Rep. Walorski

Philanthropy Roundtable has joined four other national organizations from the U.S. charitable sector to mourn the loss of U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski, who served as co-chair of the Congressional Philanthropy Caucus, and two of her staff members. The three passed away on August 3, 2022.

In a statement, the Roundtable’s Senior Director of Policy and Government Affairs Elizabeth McGuigan said:

“Rep. Walorski was a dedicated public servant and champion for philanthropic freedom, having joined important efforts to protect charitable giving from unneeded burdens to the benefit of organizations that serve those in need. Rep. Walorski understood that a vibrant philanthropic movement strengthens our communities and improves the lives of Americans from all walks of life. Her voice and leadership will be sorely missed by us. Our thoughts are with her family and friends as well as those close to her two staffers who were also lost in this devastating tragedy.”

The Roundtable also signed onto a joint statement with Independent Sector, Council on Foundations, National Council of Nonprofits and United Philanthropy Forum.

“We are shocked and saddened by the sudden loss of U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski and two members of her dedicated staff, Emma Thomson and Zachery Potts. As a former nonprofit director, co-chair of the Congressional Philanthropy Caucus, and a co-lead of powerful charitable giving legislation, Rep. Walorski was a true champion for our sector and nation. Our hearts go out to the families of all the victims, their loved ones and the people of Indiana.”


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