Philanthropy Roundtable Launches “Doers to Donors”

This month, the Philanthropy Roundtable is launching an exciting project that will highlight innovators and self-made entrepreneurs who are improving lives through meaningful philanthropy.   

In a new interview series, “Doers to Donors,” Philanthropy Roundtable President and CEO Elise Westhoff sits down with generous philanthropists to discuss their journey to success, passion for charitable giving and advice for young philanthropists. They share their inspiring stories—from the challenges and opportunities of building a business to unique approaches to giving—and encourage individuals to consider how to make a bigger impact in their own communities.  

Stay tuned for our first episode featuring Bernie Marcus, co-founder of The Home Depot, which will be released later this month. Watch our video to learn more about “Doers to Donors” and subscribe to the Roundtable’s  YouTube channel to catch each episode. 

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